When, how and where was the scout movement born?



Siege of Mafeking

A British Army officer, Robert Baden-Powell, has been appointed to defend the strategically important South African town of Mafeking. The British soldiers managed to survive the 217-day siege only due to Baden-Powell's indescribable ingenuity and creativity. Mafeking's teenagers also made a strong contribution to the victory, rushing to help the soldiers and becoming excellent scouts and liaisons. Observing the involvement and interest of the youngsters and at the same time realizing that they were not safe in the war zone, R. Baden-Powell gave birth to the idea of the scout movement.

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1907 July 25th

First summer camp

The first scout camp took place in Brownsea Island, where 20 boys were taught pioneering, survival in nature, responsibility and scouting skills. This date is considered the official start of the scout movement.

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"Scouting for boys"

"Scout for Boys" was published in Lithuania. B.P. began his journey around the world spreading the idea of scouting. By the 1960s, the book had been translated into 87 languages.

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1918 October 1st

Scouts in Lithuania

The first scout unit was established in Vilnius, Vytautas Gymnasium. Petras Jurgelevičius became its commander. This date is the birthday of the Lithuanian Scouting.

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1930 October 1st

National movement

On the basis of the newly announced law, Lithuanian scouts were passed under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Lithuania. The head of the organization became the President of the Republic of Lithuania A. Smetona.

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1933 August 15th

Robert Baden - Powell in Lithuania

Scout founder R. Baden-Powell, his wife and 650 English scout escort visited the scouts camping in Palanga by the Baltic Sea. There is a street in Palanga named in honor of B. P. The territory of the park where the camp took place is called the Scout Valley, a monumental stone and another stone were built, on which the records of the President of the Republic of Lithuania A. Smetona and the scout commander B. Powel are engraved. The founder of the Scouts was awarded the Order of Gediminas Wolf.

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1940 July 18th

Scouts are abolished

Lithuanian scouts were abolished. Many leaders were arrested and imprisoned, deported. Prior to the abolition, the fraternity consisted of 34 tunes (7900 scouts) and the sisterhood of 35 tunes (8000 scouts).

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Scouts abroad

Lithuanian scout units began to develop rapidly in the USA, Canada, Australia, England, and South America.

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Revivement of the movement

Restorative Congress in Vilnius. The experience and assistance of Lithuanian scouts from the diaspora became a solid basis for the revived scout movement in Lithuania.

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Author: A. Stubros

1995 September 15th

Establishment of Lithuanian Scouting

A scout organization - Lithuanian Scouting - was established during the Vienybės Congress in Kaunas. The organization is united by over 3000 scouts and 250 leaders.

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1997 May 25th


Lithuanian Scouting became a fully legal member of the World Scout Movement (WOSM).

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