How does a scout grow? What is a scout method?


In Lithuanian Scouting, the scout method (a set of methodological elements unique to scouts) is applied during each session. It helps create as many learning opportunities as possible during the activity - planned and unexpected moments that could broaden attitudes or deepen skills. In this way, the educational goal of the organization (comprehensive education of young people) is pursued.

The Scout Promise and Law

A personal voluntary commitment to a set of shared values, which is the foundation of everything a Scout does and a Scout wants to be.

Learning by Doing

During the activities, opportunities are created to try and feel everything for oneself, thus forming deep, personal upbringing experiences.

Personal Progression

A constant look at the individual, aiming to reinforce one’s weaknesses and exploit the strengths, to get out of comfort into the learning zone.

Patrol System

Working in constant groups of 4-7 people, like-minded people motivate and create a space for cooperation - learning together and from each other.

Adult Support

Adults support young people on the path of personal development, help them to experience different situations, set an example, raise questions.

Symbolic Framework

Various symbols develop imagination, creativity and ingenuity, encourage improvement, and indicate core values.


The natural world offers opportunities to fully educate people. In the words of R. Baden Powell: "For those who see and hear, the forest is a laboratory, a club and a temple in one."

Community Involvement

We nurture relations with our local community, participate in public holidays, commemorations, take an interest in the diversity of the world - states, culture, people, achievements.